HUMANSTARSapp packages at a glance

For your internal and external communication, choose between the turnkey enterprise solutions EXCLUSIVE & PREMIUM for SMEs and large companies, medical facilities and cities & municipalities, subscription versions for TEAMS and small companies directly in app stores (in-app purchase) + browser version or COMMUNITY app for associations, networks, interest groups, schools and clubs - with all basic and selected enterprise and PREMIUM add-on modules.

HUMANSTARSeditor: on request, editorial support for your images, tile design, contributions, postings, etc. during setup and throughout use (managed service).


Product overview


Subscription versions with selected basic modules for small companies directly in stores (in-app purchase).


Employee app with selected basic and communication modules (blog & messenger).

PREMIUM (branded app icon)

Employee app & social intranet platform with all basic, information & communication modules.


Solutions for associations, communities of interest, networks, schools and clubs (analog PREMIUM).

All HUMANSTARSapp modules at a glance

The PREMIUM employee app & social intranet setup already includes all basic, information & communication modules at no extra cost, which you can activate in the app and PC/browser version directly at the start or step by step per user - with connection to existing systems. Reach your frontline & blue collar workers easily, securely and personalized without Microsoft licensing - provide your employees with relevant information from SharePoint etc. automatically and promptly in the desired national language on all devices.

Supplement and expand your platform flexibly with PREMIUM add-on modules (workflows/forms, digital signage/TV info screens, meetings/video conferences, HR documents/payroll accounting, digital timesheet/working time recording) and turn the platform into your complete employee experience intranet with the HUMANSTARSinnovation & HUMANSTARSindex tools. Control all menu items, functions and authorizations individually for individual employees, teams and locations via the rights system.

PREMIUM: free integration of your external partners, suppliers, B2B customers, former employees, volunteers, etc. on request.


Home & news / Dashboard with numerical display of individual news & additional information per user compactly at a glance / News dynamically from all modules / Favorites function for wiki areas & chat groups / Watch list / Personalized push notifications (app / mobile devices via push notification & desktop via pop-up or e-mail) lead directly to the post / Time windows for the delivery of push messages and rest periods can be flexibly defined.


News & Notification Center (latest news, favorites, push notifications, watch list)


Newsfeeds top-down analogous to LinkedIn and Facebook with videos, visualizations and storytelling / activity streams / native editor, image templates in CD & AI templates / comment and like function (optional per post) / editorial calendar for communication planning / deep links / defined user and group communication / team rooms / read confirmation (optional) / enterprise: also transfer posts from existing systems (SharePoint) / brand ambassadors: employees can share content externally in their own social media channels to increase brand awareness & increase organic reach.


Blog (top-down news feeds, images, videos and storytelling, brand ambassadors)


Chats & group chats 1:1 analogous to WhatsApp / closed networking - GDPR-compliant and encrypted on German servers without further processing of your data abroad for advertising purposes / protected room, no reading by admin possible / text and voice messages as well as speech to text / uploads of files, videos and visualizations (2GB per chat message) / chat forwarding / report function for netiquette problems / communication also with external users, suppliers, customers etc..


Messenger (chats & group chats DSGVO-compliant, voice messages)


Content communities for employees with common interests who come together in groups to create, share and consume content / virtual space for exchanging interests / informal networking / focused interest groups with open & closed forums (with invitation function, also for external users) / storytelling, videos, files, visualizations, comment and like function (optional per post) / channels / podcasts / native editor, image templates in CD & AI templates / deep links / automatic content generation from websites and social media platforms by integrating RSS feeds. 


Content communities (forums, informal networking, podcasts, RSS feeds)


Document management & knowledge repository / database / file & AI manager / list view / enterprise wiki / digital bulletin board / shift schedules / employee newspaper / job advertisements / native editor with image templates in CD & AI templates / file exchange / versioning / deep links / file sharing, linking / enterprise: also transfer information from existing systems (SharePoint) / also for external users.


Document management (knowledge repository, document & file manager, bulletin board)


All appointments, meetings & events / with defined access rights per user to calendar data (own & shared content) / editorial calendar / room booking function / resource planning for devices, vehicles etc. / desk sharing / synchronization with Exchange calendar etc. (available in Q4/2024).


Calendar (appointments, events, room booking, resources, desk sharing)


Surveys / pulse surveys / training management / e-learning / recurring instructions / participant verification (compliance) / logged messages / deep links / recruiting & applicant onboarding process / online live voting / archiving & further processing of collected data and connection of existing systems via RESTful API / invite external users via QR code or email.


Feedback (surveys, communications, briefings, recruiting & onboarding).


Employee directory with expert search / glossary / direct contact (user rights) / GDPR-compliant user profile / storage of data collected from feedback & workflows (optional) with HR observer function & internal further processing / onboarding & invitation of new users / alumni network & former employees.


Staff Directory & Profile (staff directory, glossary, profile, onboarding, alumni)


Integrated search function / full text search in the entire system (also within files) / expert search, experts / search results per user controlled by rights and structured per module retrievable.


Search & Filter (full text search also in documents)


Newsroom / editorial suggestions / ad hoc company betting games for the European Championship & World Cup / Advent calendar etc.


Plugins (Newsroom, company prediction games for the Football World Cup & European Championship, Advent calendar)


Real-time translation of all posts, comments, chats, questionnaires, instructions & workflows into 106 national languages and vice versa thanks to state-of-the-art AI technology from Germany / Translation of posts via TV/info screens (additional module) in the desired national language per location.


Translate (real-time translation in all modules thanks to state-of-the-art AI technology)


App connection via direct links / websites / apps / social media / links directly accessible per group, app & desktop version / access with single sign-on or VPN (optional). 


Direct Connection (direct links, applications, websites, social media)


Automatically transfer posts from existing systems such as SharePoint and reach frontline & blue collar workers without Microsoft licensing in a cost-effective & timely manner / with connection to existing internal systems (SAP, LOGA3, ATOSS, SharePoint) via RESTful API / intranet links / management and updating of user data via Active Directory (optional).


Existing Systems Connection (RESTful API: interfaces to existing systems)


Dashboard & settings for admins: Set user rights, colors, dark mode, images, languages & starting point in the platform, rename menu items, edit links / statistics, user quotas / manage & update user data automatically via Active Directory (SAML login, PowerShell, Azure, CURL, Powerautomate etc.), via csv file or directly. Optional: VPN tunnel connection or on-premise solution / Platform for all devices (desktop, tablets, smartphones, optional: TV/infoscreens) / Login level 1: BN/PW, fingerprint/face ID/PIN / Login level 2: SSO, NFC, VPN up to 2FA (Premium)


Dashboard & Settings (statistics, user quotas, login levels, user management)


Automated mapping of special use cases (with real-time translation) / online forms incl. upload function / applications / applications for job advertisements / settlements / approvals / reports & anonymous reporting channels (EU Whistleblower Directive / HinSchG) to the ombudsperson / deep links / archiving & further processing of collected data as well as connection of existing systems via RESTful API / external users via QR code or link.

PREMIUM (additional module)

Additional workflows module (online forms, invoices, EU-WBRL/HinSchG)


TV infoscreens: News feeds (texts, images, videos) especially for frontline & blue collar workers without a desktop workstation as a "news ticker/slideshow" on browser-enabled TV info screens, e.g. in production halls and warehouses, break rooms and lounges as well as for visitors. Dashboard & calendar with image templates in the CD: planning of content for each individual monitor differentiated per location or target group (incl. real-time translation into all relevant national languages) possible / QR code on the screen leads (new) users directly to the app.

PREMIUM (additional module)

Additional digital signage module (TV info screens, information in local language, QR code)


Telephone and video conferences as well as online meetings analogous to Teams, Webex or Zoom, encrypted & DSGVO-compliant on German servers without forwarding your data abroad, livestreams - also with external users for customer consulting / recruiting new employees.

PREMIUM (additional module)

Additional module Meetings (video conferencing, online meetings, livestream, recruiting)


Digital working time recording / App & browser version / Times for employees are recorded exactly where they occur, in the company, field service, remote or home office / Ensuring compliance and data protection (coming soon).

PREMIUM (additional module)

Digital Timesheet add-on module (working time recording in the app & browser version)


Automatically provide HR documents from existing HR systems to your employees in the HUMANSTARSapp in encrypted form as a PDF or via DATEV & HUMANSTARSapp: Provide payslips in the app via DATEV in encrypted form or by post / printer driver for employees working from home. Print & send documents in your CD via DATEV.

PREMIUM (additional module)

Additional module HR Documents (simplify HR and payroll processes, partner DATEV)



Turnkey Enterprise Solutions & COMMUNITY App for Associations