HUMANSTARSapp continues to be involved in the Nuremberg State Theater.

May 03, 2024


Nuremberg State Theater and HUMANSTARSapp!

HUMANSTARSapp supports more than 650 employees in the fields of opera, drama, ballet and concert with its expertise in internal communication in all languages and takes the Nuremberg State Theater to a whole new level!

We continue to be involved in the new XRT (Extended Reality Theater) venue at the Schauspielhaus - the first of its kind at a German municipal and state theater. Innovative technology will be used to create the theater of the future in the coming seasons. HUMANSTARSapp enables the development of digital theater worlds as well as the use of digital technology around AI, VR, AR or creative coding to expand communication between actors and audience.

In addition to NÜRNBERGER Versicherung and Lebkuchen-Schmidt, HUMANSTARSapp will be present on the tickets of the Nuremberg State Theater.